Future of the Left at the Garage, 3rd Dec 2009

I love Future of the Left, and this was one of the best gigs I’ve been to in quite a while, mostly because they are just so damn funny. They were taking the piss out of Kings of Leon the whole night who seemed to have completely dominated the playlist in the pub up the road beforehand. This is possibly my favourite of their songs too, but they started it twice because the crowd were clapping out of time and then because of an equipment issue.
We hung around afterwards and harassed Falco, the main guy, who seemed to be just standing around on his own for some reason. The security guy came over to us and said if we didn’t have passes we had to leave, to which Falco replied: “well, I just played, so…”. Brilliant.
Oh, and we saw Steve Lamacq hanging by the bar.