Happy New Year!
Well hello and a happy new year! Right, now that’s out the way I can get back to just going on about myself for a bit. I was in Alan Carr’s New Year Specstacular again on 31st December. You can check it out on 4OD. I play a detective called “Officer Steve” interviewing Alan as Cheryl Cole in a sketch parodying “24 hours in custody” at about 29:40 in (I speak at 32:23), and then I pop up as an arresting officer in a sketch parodying White Dee at about 1:08:07. I speak at about 1:11:07 (one of the best lines possibly ever uttered on TV), although you do also see me briefly as another character (wearing the production manager’s glasses) very near the beginning, so don’t get confused. Here’s a couple of screen grabs:
Sorry about Simon DeSlilva’s arse in that one.
Also, I don’t know if you’re into Vine at all, but every now and then I do one that amuses me if no-one else. Here’s one I did yesterday:
Talk soon! All my love.