All in the Method released / Halfway House starts 26th June!
I can’t believe it’s been over a month since I last posted! Still, there’s been a lot going on. The Addicted – the horror feature I have a small role in had its first press and distributor screening last Tuesday which seemed to go well – looks like they’ve already been offered a couple of distribution deals so well done to Jenny Gayner and Sean J.Vincent! The film looks great too.
Moving swiftly on, Episode 1 of our new comedy web series All in the Method was released on Sunday. It’s been getting some great feedback which is lovely, and everyone’s been really helpful in spreading the word, for which we are all incredibly grateful! I’ve set up a website for it but if you want things nice and simple you can check out the Episode right here:
That brings me on to the other project that’s been keeping me busy: A Halfway House. It’s a comedy play with sketches written and directed by my AITM co-star Luke Kaile. We open on Tuesday 26th June at the Etcetera, so that’s gonna be exciting. We run till Sunday 1st July so if you wanna come I think you’ll need to book quick!
OK, I’m off to meet Luke to try and promote the play with the use of a pig costume. All will be revealed…