Fool Britannia
You may have just seen me in Episode 4 of Fool Brittania on ITV, freaking a guy out in a lift looking a bit like this:
Then you may have seen me trying to get a lady’s money for some fake charity looking like this:
If you didn’t see it of course, you can check it out on ITV player here for a few days. The Lecter scene is after about 4.45 and the chugger scene is about 14.37
Looks like they’re only showing one of each of these scenes, but we did a whole day in that lift doing each scene several times, and I seriously freaked out a lot of people in that Lecter mask. Most people actually legged it out the lift after I was wheeled in.
We also did a riot police scene, which was in Episode 2, but I didn’t actually say anything in that one, so I didn’t bother mentioning it.