I learned the piano when I was a kid, the drums in my teens and then guitar in my early 20s. Since then I’ve egotistically formed a few bands and joined some others. In 2017 I set up my own label cos no-one else wanted to release my music. Currently I’m fronting the frightfully narcissistic titled Rich Keeble & The More Accomplished Musicians and doing a few other bits and pieces including experimental noise as Rysiek/Rysiunio. Below are two separate playlists representing both those projects. You can also click the images further down to find out more about current and past projects.
Rich Keeble & The More Accomplished Musicians (RKMAMs)
Goodbye Sergeants
Static Statek
The Pistol Gang & The Preacher
Sergeant Buzfuz
The Splendour


Surreptitious Glance
In 2018 I released this double A-side electro-pop single with electronic musician Warbatron.
Both these tracks are included in that playlist up the top, but isn’t that artwork just so ICONIC. My friends say this is the best thing I’ve ever done.
This is also on Spotify but you can also BUY IT ON CASSETTE from Bandcamp!!!

I also filled in on drums for trendy indie band Ratty Rat Rat for a gig at the Astoria 2 in 2008. Members of that band now play in Is Tropical who I think are doing quite well.

I played drums for folk veterans Dr Strangely Strange (of whom Gary Moore was a previous member) during a London reunion show where Sergeant Buzfuz were supporting on 21 February 2009.

I was briefly sort of the lead vocalist with a band called Default Mode Network. It was Matt Jarman’s project and he played guitar as well as writing the songs, with Nick Howdle-Smith on bass, Wagner Antunes on drums and Dan “Warbatron” Warburton on keyboards. I sang on a couple o recordings which remain unfinished/unreleased, and performed at a gig in 2012. However, the band then became known as Alta Cruz and toured Brazil as I recall, as a trio without me or Dan, which is fine.

Strip was a band active very briefly in 2007, fronted by Sam LeGassick and Edd Wright both on vocals and guitar, and then Dan Seymour on bass and me on drums. We played a few covers by QOTSA, Biffy and Interpol and that was about it.

I started the band Life as an Agent with my drummer friend Tim Wakefield in about 2000 as I remember. I sang and played guitar, with Danny Coldwell on bass, and Matt Underwood as another guitarist. By the time we’d called it a day in about 2003(?), I was the only original member with Tim having left (replaced by Scott Meredith), Danny leaving (replaced by my mate Dan Seymour), and Matt leaving, with us carrying on as 3 piece before Daryl Thompson joined on lead guitar. I did wonder if no-one enjoyed being in a band with me. I still wonder that.
I need to dig out some photos of this era – must be on an old hard drive somewhere.
Not really “music” I suppose but I did release this recording of me having a bath. No really, I did.
And finally…. I think I earned more money from this ad than I ever have in my entire career playing the drums